Моды для minecraft 1.10 2 slender man. Как это работает

Хотите ли Вы увидеть одного из самых таинственных существ - Слендермена? Если да, то тогда мы рекомендуем установить Вам мод под названием «Slenderman» для Minecraft Pocket Edition . Если Вы хотите добавить в МКПЕ частичку ужаса, то обязательно установите данное дополнение!

Как это работает?

Слендермена можно найти почти во всех биомах, поскольку он заменяет криперов. Если Вы встретите Слендермена, то Вы должны быть очень осторожными и лучше всего не подходить к нему очень близко!

Если он Вас увидит, то ослепит Вас, а после будет быстро атаковать, чтобы убить. Вы можете попытаться убежать от него, можете попытаться скрыться, но он всё равно достанет Вас! Вы можете рассчитывать только на быструю смерть.

Алмазы были заменены на детские души и их можно использовать для крафта Слендер-брони (алмазная броня).
  • Души детей = алмаз
  • Меч Слендера = алмазный меч
  • Маска Слендера = алмазный шлем
  • Костю Слендера = алмазный нагрудник
  • Штаны Слендера = алмазные поножи
  • Ботинки Слендера = алмазные ботинки
Если вы будете носить весь сет брони, то вы будете застрахованы от Слендермена в режиме выживания.

Забавный факт: знаете ли Вы, что Странник Края фактически основан на Слендермене?

Установка мода Slenderman (.mcpack):

  • Скачайте файлы мода с пометками .mcpack по ссылке ниже.
  • Просто откройте файлы (через ES проводник на Android) и игра сама установит все необходимые файлы.
  • Запустите Minecraft Pocket Edition
  • Выберите Наборы ресурсов .
  • Выберите Наборы параметров .

Установка мода Slenderman (.zip):

  • Скачайте архив с модом по ссылке ниже.
  • Извлеките папку «Slenderman Resource» из архива в /games/com.mojang/resource_packs/ .
  • Извлеките папку «Slenderman Bahavior» из архива в /games/com.mojang/behavior_packs/ .
  • Запустите Minecraft Pocket Edition и перейдите в редактирование мира.
  • Выберите Наборы ресурсов .
  • Найдите файл текстуры и нажмите на нее для активации.
  • Выберите Наборы параметров .
  • Найдите файл дополнения и нажмите на него для активации.
  • Мод установлен, приятной игры!

The Slenderman mod is based on the legend told by kids about a tall thin man wearing a suit, the man has a blank white face. The legend goes on to say that he stalks little kids and then kills them. Of course in the game while the legend itself sounds grotesque, it is just merely creepy.

And if you are enjoying a nice quiet game killing cows or mining then you turn to see this thing staring at you, trust me it really can catch you off guard. Don’t be surprised if it makes a grown man jump or even scream, like a not so grown man.

The Slenderman mod obviously adds Slenderman to the game. While he is still a rare spawn, he will show up! With him he brings a ton of abilities. Slenderman is able to teleport and disappear randomly, he can break red stone torches, glow stone and normal torches. He can also break doors, trapdoors, and glass. Did I mention this guy is bad?!?

If you think that running into your house will save you from him, think again. He is able to open doors! This is pretty much reminding you that while in the Slenderman mod, you are NOT safe anywhere!

Currently he is only able to be killed by a diamond sword or a Slender sword. That’s right, I said Slender sword. I will tell you how to make one of those in a minute.

When he pops up, if you do the smart thing and just run you have a much better chance of living. If you decide to stay to fight then it is best to have all diamond armor or a Slender suit. Yep, You can craft a slender suit. But before you can craft a slender suit you need to kill this bad boy a few times to get the things needed.

When you kill him he will sometimes drop something called a child’s soul. This will come in handy.

Crafting Slender Gear!

Slender mask – Protects you from all Slendermen.

  • 4 Child’s souls
  • 4 Leather
  • 1 Ghast Tear

Slender sword – It is twice as strong as a diamond sword, and the only thing other than a dimond sword that can kill a Slenderman.

  • 4 Obsidian
  • 2 Child’s Souls
  • 1 Diamond

Slender Suit – It is more powerful than diamond armor. Very handy to have this on to fight the Slenderman.

  • 4 Diamonds
  • 1 Child’s Soul
  • 1 Redstone
  • 2 White Wool

This mod has been rated as one of the top 5 creepy mods of all time. So play at your own risk. You may want to keep the lights on.

Slender Man Mo d has been created to help you experience the best of minecraft and what it has got to offer as a game. If you are one of those players who have been craving for an addition which can make the game more interesting and challenging at the same time then there is no doubt that Slender Man Mod will be a perfect fit for you. If you are familiar with creepypasta Slenderman then be ready to deal with the fears which come with it as this mod will help to bring them to reality. This is a great mod indeed which provides that platform where you can experience something new and exciting.

Slender Man Mod will make slender spawner to be available in your world. This is made possible through the slender shrines which it brings. Through them, structures will be spawned randomly. You can make use of any of the swords if you want to have it killed. This is especially on easy level. However, when the difficulty level has been raised to normal, you may need to make use of a diamond sword to have it killed. You can also make use of slender sword.

How to install Slender Man Mod

This guide will explain how to install Slender Man Mod for Minecraft 1.12, 1.11.2, 1.8.9 and older versions.

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